Here you can find the music and sheet music to nine pedagogical pieces from the coming book Technical Tunes for Toddlers to Teenagers. Every tune has its own technical ”problem” and can be played as a solo piece or together as parts in violin ensembles with combinations of different ages and levels.

The music in Technical Tunes for Toddlers to Teenagers is composed by Eva Belvelin and arranged by Per Strandberg. Per has also made the amazing backtracks together with Eva. Listen to the full versions and play the tunes together with the backtracks or a pianist using the chord progressions.
Illustrations on this page are made by Ia Gottberg and come from Eva Belvelin's best selling book Little Things for Little Strings (Små Låtar för Små Stråkar).
Technical Tunes for Toddlers to Teenagers will also be illustrated in full color by Jonna Sjöblom and it will be released in 2024.
The music and backing tracks can be found under the Technical Tunes button in the menu above.
Click on the title of the tunes to come to the sheet music.
The Church Bell - introduction to double stops, detaché and spiccato on open strings
The Church Spire - unusual finger patterns and tricky rhythms
The Church Tower - chords and pizzicato
The Church Yard - additional Cello part
The Church Street - accompanying Piano part
The Church Bell, The Church Spire, The Church Tower and The Church Yard can be played either as solo pieces or as duets, trios, quartets or quintets in any combination to the backtrack or piano accompaniment.
A Sunday Walk - introduction to the second finger pattern with low second finger
A Sunday Marsch - double stops and chromaticism
A Sunday Stroll - swing and awkward bowings
A Sunday Saunter - vibrato, shifting and high positions
A Sunday Promenade - additional Cello part
A Sunday Promenade - the Cello part in Treble Clef
A Sunday Perambulation - accompanying Piano part
A Sunday Walk, A Sunday Marsch, A Sunday Stroll, A Sunday Saunter and A Sunday Promenade can be played either as solo pieces or as duets, trios, quartets, quintets or sextets in any combination to the backing track or piano accompaniment.
Technical Tunes for Toddlers to Teenagers will be released by Fiolosofen in 2024.

Little Things for Little Strings is available in English at Potter Violins and in Swedish at Notposten